"You are not, and will never be, alone. A multitude of friends that you
cannot see with the naked eye, but who help to keep you healthy,
live in your body. They are the bacterial heroes in your most heavily
colonized organ, your intestines, living together with gut villains in a
fragile balance that, when disturbed, can lead to sickness. This was
the case for a young boy born with an abnormally short intestine
that allowed unusual overgrowth of gut villains." so beginnt das Abstract eines Forschungsartikels für Kids.
Das Internetangebot "frontiers for young minds" bietet Science for Kids, die auch von Kindern gereviewed wird, in diesem Fall von den 7-13 jährigen Ayden, Hannah, Yoshua, Sahasra und Zoe.
Das Originalpaper von , das dem Artikel zugrunde liegt,
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